The Ivory Coast has a number of interesting attractions available for sightseeing which you can't afford to miss

(1) Abidjan

Named as the ‘The Paris of West Africa’, the city of Abidjan itself has a lot to explore. It is among the best cities of Africa, it's very vibrant, full of life and colour.

While in Abidjan, you can visit the National art museum which displays African culture and craftsmanship, you can go shopping at Treichville, boating by the lagoons, strolling by the beaches and a visit to the famous St Paul’s Cathedral.
These are the activities you shouldn’t be missing while you're in the city of Abidjan.

(2) Basilica Of Our Lady of Peace

Located in the Yamoussoukro city, the church was designed by the Lebanese/Ivorian architect Pierre Fakhoury and listed as the World’s Largest Basilica in Guinness World Records.

(3) Taï National Park (Parc National de Taï)

This is a national park in Côte d'Ivoire that 
contains the largest area of the primary tropical rainforest of Africa. The UNESCO World Heritage Site lies between the rivers Cavalry and Sassandra.
It is also the major reservoir to Ebola Virus hence precautionary measures are must while you visit here.


  1. Waaooo! This is beautiful. I have heard much about the church. The church is also the tallest church building in the world. The price of Africa.

  2. Promotion of ECOWAS tourism. Quite inspirational.


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